What is PHP?
PHP, short for Hypertext Preprocessor, is an open-source, server-side scripting and programming language. The primary usage of it is for web development. However, PHP is a very important language for everybody involved in some way with WordPress. The reason for that is because PHP is used for the majority of the core WordPress software. Many people think that PHP as a programming language is not in use anymore, but actually, that is not quite true.
PHP has different versions, which you can benefit from by installing them on your server. The brand new PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.0 come with a lot of new performance improvements rather than the older versions.
It is essential to choose the most recent versions of PHP not only for performance improvements but also for better security.
What is Python?
Python is a common general-purpose programming language. It is also very well known, and it is possible to be applied for a great range of types of applications. In addition, Python offers for its users dynamic typing, high-level data structures, and a lot of other features. All of these benefits are the reason why Python is used for complex application development, being for scripting or, in other cases, for connecting components together, performing like “glue code.”
In some cases, it can be extended and put in use for performing system calls to nearly any operating system. Also, in addition, to run a code that was written in C or C++.
Thanks to its universality and capability on almost any system architecture, Phyton is a great choice. So that helps for it to be a universal language and to be seen used in all kinds of various applications.
PHP vs. Python
- PHP is for Hypertext Preprocessor applied to develop a dynamic website or web application. On the other hand, Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language that is applied for accelerated application development.
- PHP is usually the choice for a language when we are talking about web development. In the other case, Python is commonly applied in data science, AI, and scientific society.
- PHP holds a number of frameworks, and Python has a pretty small amount of frameworks.
- When we are analyzing PHP vs. Python for web development, PHP has an extensive variety of syntax and naming conventions. On the other hand, Python appears with a very concise and precise syntax of codes.
- The key features of PHP are open source, constant improvements, and simple deployment. For Python, the key characteristics are dynamic typing and rapid development.
Which one to choose?
For sure, deciding which one to choose, PHP vs. Python, is an assuredly not so easy job, even after analyzing the differences between them. The reason is that both of them, PHP vs. Python are great options in their own specific way. Like we mentioned, PHP is applied for web development and server-side scripting. In the other case, Python is the gateway to machine learning codes.